An irregularly updated blog when I have time or the inclination!



Not some new weird Japanese internet slang. It’s another version of suji!

Aida4Ken is basically double suji. If you see both a 2 and a 7 in the discard pool, the ura suji for both of these is 3 & 6. Meaning these tiles are even more dangerous.


The idea is that in a 2457 shape, a player is likely to throw a 2 and a 7 (assuming that they have/draw both and they want a two-sided wait).

This kind of read tends to work early- mid game.

Again, like ura suji, it is much disputed. A player could just as easily be clearing our isolated tiles. They may not be waiting on a double sided wait at all. OR they could have drawn a tile to complete their 45 group so the 3&6 ura suji read as dangerous is defunct.

However, it does have a little more strength than ura suji alone, and might help you dodge that dealer riichi when you have no safe tiles. Use with care!

Aida4Ken in Action

Aida4Ken in Action

Answer July 9th 2019

Answer July 9th 2019