An irregularly updated blog when I have time or the inclination!



Another week….Another full day travel to get to a tournament. This one is a little unusual in that it’s a three day event with the first day given over to an MCR event. Now I wouldn’t normally touch the ruleset, but I don’t mind being an emergency sub in case something happens. The MCR community is still small in the UK and organizing events is hard so this is just a small thing I can do to keep everything running smoothly.

Also, MCR is not without its merits. It’s true that the focus is on aggression and playing the tiles you draw, and less focus on what your opponents might be up to. However, it does give you an interesting chance to get to grips with the relationships between yaku because you move more fluidly between them in MCR.

Plus, it taught me to love furiten and realize how it elevates riichi.

Interested in more…

WRC's Annus Horribilis

WRC's Annus Horribilis

Senki Suji

Senki Suji